Sample registration in OLIVINUS y OLIVINUS NIÑOS 2016

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Grand Champions of the previous edition


With an exceptional success each year, of samples and countries, will be held in Mendoza, Argentina, the International Competition of Extra Virgin Olive Oil "OLIVINUS 2016” and "OLIVINUS KID 2016".

OLIVINUS is the most important contest of America, Central America and the Caribbean, with worldwide influence. The latest editions exceeded 500 AOVE samples, between 17 and 21 countries.

Both competitions will be held at the International Hotel in Mendoza and the city of Rivadavia.

With the presence of the leading global judges, "OLIVINUS 2016" and "2016 OLIVINUS KIDS" are consolidated as the second (2nd) competition in global importance OLIVINUS and OLIVINUS KIDS between 20 contests, most important in the world, only jury under 14 years, EVOO World Ranking (see ranking), which includes the results of all competitions in the world, international.

OLIVINUS 2016 will take place between 25/ 28 August 2016 and OLIVINUS KIDS 2016 will be held the first week of September.

We used a tasting sheet with descriptors, which to date, other contests being implemented.

Like previous years, these contests awarded whit Medal, Diplomas and Trophies in all categories, unlike other international competitions.

Winners can also print their diplomas directly from the web page, while permission for the use of stickers can ask the organization.

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